Cynthia Cuyjet Cynthia Cuyjet

How to help a child or teen with unhealthy social media

Childhood and teenage years can be filled with developmental challenges and social pressures, which social media can often exacerbate, leading to anxiety, bullying, depression, and self-esteem issues. Instead of confiscating devices, parents should monitor and guide their child's social media use, encouraging responsible habits and open communication.

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Cynthia Cuyjet Cynthia Cuyjet

Finding Joy During Difficult Times

Even in these tough times, finding joy in your daily life can enhance your mental health and overall quality of life. By incorporating simple practices like listening to your favorite music, developing a gratitude routine, or engaging in vision exercises, you can lift your spirits and foster a sense of peace amid external challenges.

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Cynthia Cuyjet Cynthia Cuyjet

9 Experiences in Life Make You Resilient

Navigating life's challenges requires more than just surviving; it demands emotional toughness. By embracing adversity, failure, and growth, you can forge a resilient spirit that turns obstacles into opportunities for personal development.

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Cynthia Cuyjet Cynthia Cuyjet

How To Handle Those Difficult Conversation

In the delicate dance of difficult conversations, setting an agenda and prioritizing active listening can transform potential conflict into constructive dialogue. Cultivating an attitude of curiosity, understanding unspoken emotions, and maintaining a focus on mutual understanding over winning are key strategies to navigate these challenging discussions, fostering relationships that nourish rather than deplete.

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Cynthia Cuyjet Cynthia Cuyjet

How To Say What Needs To Be Said

Navigating difficult conversations is a common challenge for many, including leaders, given the discomfort and unpredictability they bring. Yet, the aftermath can be even more daunting, potentially damaging relationships with friends, employees, or colleagues. In his insightful guide, Quint Studer, author of The Busy Leader’s Handbook, emphasizes the dual objective of such discussions: addressing the issue at hand while safeguarding the relationship. By posing key questions, staying clear and factual, scheduling talks thoughtfully, and fostering civility, leaders can not only resolve conflicts but also strengthen the bonds that underpin a thriving organization.

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Cynthia Cuyjet Cynthia Cuyjet

11 Things Successful People Do in the Evening

In handling difficult conversations, it's essential to set an agenda, encourage open communication and focus on understanding over winning, as these strategies foster trust and lead to more successful outcomes. By listening actively, acknowledging feelings, and maintaining curiosity, one can nurture healthier relationships and achieve constructive problem-solving, even when the conversation becomes adversarial.

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Cynthia Cuyjet Cynthia Cuyjet

Realistic New Year’s Resolutions for Your Mental Health

As the new year beckons for resolutions, ensuring their longevity requires a realistic approach," suggests the Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) curriculum. "By embracing manageable steps and self-care strategies, such as scheduling moments for self-care, prioritizing sleep, limiting screen time, learning more about mental health, and being kind to oneself amidst change, individuals can pave a lasting path toward improved mental health."

"Rather than a focus on drastic alterations, the emphasis remains on setting achievable goals that nurture mental well-being and happiness, empowering individuals to #BeTheDifference in their own lives, supported by MHFA's comprehensive guidance throughout the journey," the MHFA advocates.

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Cynthia Cuyjet Cynthia Cuyjet

Gratitude: The Best Medicine During Tough Times

In times of crisis, the path to healing and resilience lies not just in vaccines and safety measures but also in an internal approach," affirms Robert Emmons, a psychology professor at UC Davis. "Gratitude acts as a potent antidote, wielding the power to energize amidst demoralization, heal brokenness, and spark hope in the face of despair."

Emmons underscores the transformative potential of prospective gratitude, urging individuals to envision future gratitude despite current hardships, emphasizing that gratitude isn't merely a reaction but a choice—one that endures despite life's fluctuations, offering a psychological buffer during trying times.

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Cynthia Cuyjet Cynthia Cuyjet

Tips for Managing Your Mental Health During the Holidays

The holiday season, while often filled with joy and togetherness, can also bring emotional challenges. Clinical neuropsychologist Angela Drake, from the University of California Davis Health, offers practical advice for maintaining your mental well-being. Her insights include managing expectations, letting go of fantasy, self-monitoring, having a plan for stress, the power of deep breathing, sharing happy memories, and the importance of connecting with a supportive community. Remember, if you or someone you know is in crisis, help is just a call or text away at 988.

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Cynthia Cuyjet Cynthia Cuyjet

Listening To Our Bodies - They Know More Than We Do!

In our hectic lives, we often neglect the vital messages our bodies convey. Rather than listening to the whispers of fatigue or discomfort, we resort to quick fixes like painkillers or caffeine. However, there's immense wisdom in tuning in to your body's signals, from conscious breathing and quiet reflection to indulging in self-care like massages or simply honoring your hunger and fatigue. By establishing a deeper connection with your body, you can unlock a treasure trove of well-being and vitality.

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Cynthia Cuyjet Cynthia Cuyjet

The Benefits of Journaling for Mental Health

Discover the remarkable benefits of journaling for mental health as leading experts weigh in. Licensed psychologists and therapists explain how journaling can prevent avoidance and help individuals confront trauma, reducing depressive symptoms. They also delve into how journaling can provide new perspectives on negative thoughts, relieve bottled-up emotions, and improve physical health, all while helping individuals become more conscious of their thought patterns and understand their emotional responsibility. Moreover, journaling offers a unique opportunity for personal growth and self-awareness over time, whether you're a seasoned journaler or just starting out.

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Cynthia Cuyjet Cynthia Cuyjet

Stop that Negative Talk

The author shares their experience transitioning from a corporate career to a Division Sales Manager role, highlighting their self-critical nature during challenging times. They later learned to overcome negative self-talk through strategies like acknowledging it, addressing its root causes, and reframing their thoughts to be more positive.

Negative self-talk can significantly impact self-esteem and confidence, potentially leading to self-fulfilling prophecies. To counteract this, individuals can identify and change negative thinking patterns, replacing them with positive self-talk and affirmations to boost confidence and cope with challenges effectively.

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Cynthia Cuyjet Cynthia Cuyjet

How to Achieve Work-Life Harmony in 5 Simple Steps

Work-life balance and work-life harmony may seem similar, but they are not synonymous. Work-life balance refers to how people manage the time they dedicate to work and the time they spend on other activities. Work-life harmony involves your energy and incorporating work into the rest of life in a way that promotes happiness both at home and at work.

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Cynthia Cuyjet Cynthia Cuyjet

The Wisdom Of Winnie The Pooh

Wisdom comes to us from many sources—sometimes from the mouths of babes, at other times from the teachings of ancient philosophers.

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Cynthia Cuyjet Cynthia Cuyjet

A Simple Way to Stay Grounded in Stressful Moments

Explore the transformative power of integrating physical practices into mindfulness. Uncover the research-backed insights that reveal the profound connection between mind and body, providing practical tips such as anchoring techniques to alleviate stress, enhance emotional intelligence, and foster productive professional relationships.

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Cynthia Cuyjet Cynthia Cuyjet

Intimacy - Accept No Imitations

Intimacy flourishes in a climate in which it’s safe to disclose parts of your experience that cut closer and closer to your private self.

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